Single daily visit (Local)
1 x daily visit (local) for pet care and feeding.
Morning OR evening.
Fees include ALL pets, plants, post, pool, poop, and perimeter checks.
1 x daily visit (local) for pet care and feeding.
Morning OR evening.
2 x daily visit (local) for pet care and feeding.
Morning AND evening single visits.
1 x day-over during business hours. Includes pet care and feeding.
Morning TO aftrenoon - 8 hours.
1 x sleep-over in the evening. Includes pet care and feeding.
Evening TO morning - 12 hours.
1 x full live-in. Includes pet care and feeding. Billing starts on arrival.
20 hours (minimum).
Tailored care, with an initial hourly rate of R170 and a subsequent charge of R35 per hour thereafter. 1+ hours